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Journal of Aviation Finance and Law

Abbreviated Title: J. Avi. Fin. Law (JAFL).

Published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC) license, so they can be re-used and re-distributed for non-commercial purposes, as long as the original work is properly cited.

Journal of Aviation Finance and Law is an independent, not-for-profit, open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal, publishing high quality papers on all aspects of aviation finance, leasing, and law.  It is the only journal specifically focused on this topic.

Focus: Aviation finance, leasing, law, and related topics: trading, banking, insurance, sustainability, ESG, innovations, accounting, technical (engineering with a focus on the bigger picture).

Target audience: Practitioners including lessors, institutional portfolio managers, fund managers, plan sponsors, chief investment officers, investment consultants, financial advisors, appraisers, OEMs, lawyers, researchers, structurers, analysts and academics.

Frequency: Initially 2x per year; potentially increasing depending on demand.

Article types: Journal invites original applied focused reviews, research articles, case reports, and short communications.

Paper length target: approximately 2,500-4,000 words.

Review process: single-blind peer review.

Distribution: Online (selected print edition on demand).

Type: Open access.

Abstracting and Indexing Information: Journal is indexed and undergoing review pending with various top databases with the goal of increased distribution.

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. David Yu, PhD, CFA, FRAeS, Senior ISTAT Certified Aviation Appraiser, david.yu@stern.nyu.edu.

US LOC ISSN (Electronic): (Pending), ISSN (Print): (Pending).

Article Costs: No cost to authors, supplemented by small advertising.

We are associated publication with the Cranfield Univeristy Global Sustainability Aviation Exchange (GSAE): https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/campaigns/GSAE-launch-event
